Best of 2019 – Pure 35mm film

What a year! Lots of huge changes in my life – giant ups and downs. But, I am happy to say I got through it all !

One thing that always keeps me sane in an upside down world, is my love of shooting 35mm film.

I kept mostly my Minotla Weathermatic waterproof point and shoot handy with me. I experimented with mostly expired 35mm film stocks, Kodak and Fuji.

I took some road trips to Depoe Bay, Oregon… it was my Mum’s last year in her little ocean cottage.

I also got to shoot with amazing photographers in a styled shoot in the Las Vegas desert. WOW!

I wasn’t flying as much as I typically do, as I was recovering from a major surgery, thank GOD my health is now fully restored. My family had major shifts this year also, but, I am grateful that we are all doing well and looking forward to a new year, 2020!

THANK YOU, to my family and friends who stick by me, our family and send us the prayers, love and support. I wish you all blessings in the New Year. Love, Dana

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